Hello Again
Yes the elephant in the room, let's just say it is, "you haven't bogged in 9 months!" I know! I know! So ,much life has happened in 9 months, but here we are again. Thank you for sticking with me. Thank you for finding your way here again.You might notice I changed the name of my blog to This Loud House (from Marianne's Blog). For a few reasons, one I only chose my original name because I couldn't think of anything better, and two because This Loud House truly describes the state of things around here lately.In the past nine months I had our 5th baby, Helen Grace. Her labor was FAST, and a little scary. I hope to do a birth story soon. My boys who are 18 months apart (Wit and Knox) have hit a new level of insanity. They literally go from trying to kill each other to hugging each other in a matter of seconds. And my sweet big girls Mia and Sadie have become my helpers and little preteens over night.I have learned in the past nine months how little sleep I need to survive, however sleep does keep "dragon mommy" as my kids call her at bay. I have given everything I have to nursing Helen around the clock every 2 hours or more. Finally at 9 months old she is starting to eat some solids and give me a little breather.Sadie and I decided homeschooling is not for her. Although I loved having her home, and spending more time with her, she truly missed the classroom setting. We found a wonderful school based on the Charlotte Mason philosophy she attends and LOVES, and her big sis will be joining her in the fall.So life right now is good. It is nonstop from the moment I wake up to the moment I crash at night. This stay at home mom gig is WAAAAAY more than I initially signed up for, but I am so thankful I took the plunge and did it. Being home with my children full time has taught me about work like never before. It has taught me to be thankful, and forced me to push myself when I felt I was already at the end of my rope. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be with my children all day everyday.I know there is a season for everything in life, and right now my season is totally about my family.The hubs and I try and find a date night a couple times a month, and my little Instagram account @thisloudhouse as well as this blog give me a fun creative outlet daily.AND if I could just stick to my Whole30 for more than 3 days this baby weight would come right off :)Thanks for stopping by friends!Marianne