The end of the crazy train
Well, the crazy train came to a stop today. Mia finished up 1st grade and we are all officially out for summer!I of course made Mia pose for the traditional last day of school picture (now I need to find that 1st day of school picture to go with it!).
Then brother jumped in.
And sister
But sister decided she needed her own picture.
Wit REALLY wanted to go to school with his big sis!
I distracted them with a little Disney Jr. while I cleaned up breakfast instead.
Then it was off to the 1st grade "Go Buggy Party!" How creative our the classroom moms!
Their awesome teacher even made each child a shirt they all got to sign.
Mia has the most wonderful friends!
And yes I cried during the class recap video. I LOVE this girl! She is growing into a AMAZING person!!!