School Days and Sick Days
Ahhh back to school, and after a great 1st week Sadie brought us ALL a back to school cold. Wit got the worst of it poor guy with a fever too, but we are on the mend and at it again.Here are the girls on the 1st dayMia is in 1st grade!
Sadie is in K4
I am forcing myself to be productive during Wit's morning nap instead of taking a much needed nap! I realized the other night I have not slept 8 hours straight in over 7 months....Wit is not sleeping through the night again.But in the end, sleep or not, I always feel better when during his nap I hop in the shower, throw on some make up, and then hack away at the to-do list. That's what we do as moms. It is hard work, but oh so rewarding. No time for sick days! I have a back to school list of my own a mile long.