A few of my favorite things....
Right now my absolute FAVORITE person in the world is Julie Andrews when she sings "A Few of My Favorite Things" through my car stereo. Wit can be hungry, tired, and crying, and as soon as he hears her voice he stops and looks dreamily out the window!!!So in honor of Ms. Andrew's wonderful song I thought it might be fun to share with you some of my favorite things every so often in an effort to spread the joy they have brought me. My french press with Silk creamer (Oh how I miss REAL creamer in my coffee!)This press is from Starbucks, but you can find one at Target too. I saw one of Amazon that was thermal I might have to treat myself to. It takes your coffee experience to a new level!My NEW Dyson cordless quick vac Drew gave me for Christmas (Yes I asked for a vacuum for Christmas!)
And yes I am still in my PJ's holding the baby while vacuuming....a girl's gotta get it DONE! This is great for picking up a quick mess.This DELICIOUS Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free, Gluten Free Chocolate!
I am so addicted and I probably have a bar every other night! YIKES! Not good for loosing the baby weight!You can find this and many other yummy treats from this brand (Enjoy Life) on AMAZON.Martha Stewart's Chalkboard lables
I use these babies all the time! They are cheap and a cute way to label. You can find them at Staples.Date Night!
My wonderful parents have been married almost 40 years (Drew's 44!), and my mom's advice for a long happy marriage (along with a few other tips) is DATE NIGHT! Every week!