3 things I do everyday to feel 29 at 39!

Well.....I turned 39 this year, so you know what that means!!!! The BIG 40 is right around the corner, and I know some of you are rolling your eyes, because the BIG 40 came and went for you, and you are happier now in your 40s or 50s than you were in your 30s, but I have to say turning 39 caught me off guard. I mean HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? I feel 19! Ok maybe 29, but NOT almost 40!

HOWEVER it is important to note that I felt 60 when I turned 35! So what happened to drastically change my physical and mental health over the past 4 years?

It's simple......

I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. I decided that just because I'd birthed 5 babies, my body didn't HAVE to feel and look like it.

I decided to stop saying, "One day I'll get serious about my health," and I decided TODAY was my Monday, my January 1st, MY DAY!

I realized being a "good mom" meant taking care of myself instead of eating the left over chicken nuggets everyday for lunch or skipping my workout to catch up on laundry.

I chose less trips to Target to spend money on things I really didn't need, cut out my weekly $25 trips to Starbucks for drinks I thought gave me more "energy," and I made a decision to get my crap together!

These are the 3 changes I made that CHANGED MY LIFE.....

I started taking Plexus.

I had NEVER heard of it before, and I was super skeptical to try one more thing!

I had tried all the shakes, diets, and workout fades in the past, and nothing stuck I still craved sugar like a crazy person, and I never had enough energy to keep up with my life.

But Plexus seemed different.

It didn't claim crazy weightloss, the products were plant-based. They dealt with reducing inflammation, balancing blood sugar, and gut health. So after sitting on the fence for 6 months I finally gave it a shot.

90 days later I was a NEW WOMAN! Sleeping through the night, quit Diet Coke FINALLY, no sugar cravings, down 20 pounds, waking up BEFORE my alarm, and skipping my afternoon "power nap." I personally take, Triplex Microbiome, Xfactor Plus, Active, and Collagen.

I started reading and listening to podcast everyday. Yep turns out you do have time to read and fill your mind with something positive. Instead of zoning out to the radio or turning on a movie for the kids in the car, I now turn on a podcast. I read a chapter before bed or 1st thing when I wake up (now that I wake up before my alarm at 5am).

I got serious about WATER!!! Lots and LOTS of water! I used the free app Plant Nanny in the beginning to track it everyday. 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water. Bye bye sweet tea, diet coke, and Starbucks! Water makes me feel amazing! And quit honestly I'm addicted to feeling amazing :).

Yep so that's it! Crazy how a few tweaks can change EVERYTHING!

I'd LOVE to hear your tips for feeling your best self!!!!



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