Goal setting and crossing it off your home to do list
Early in 2015 I shared with you that I broke down my goals for organizing and updating my home by month for the entire year. This allowed me to relax as I walked by a project or a room I needed to get to, because I knew it was already on the list, and I had set a time frame to accomplish it. I LOVE a good old fashion list, on a piece of paper, not an iphone, where I can check it off with a pencil. Ahhh so great!So here is the list for the year. I broke down each project with the specifics and set a budget for each one. Then to make sure I actually find the time to do it, I plan out those specifics when I plan our week out as a family. The boys are both napping at the same time every day so this gives me a power hour to get something done! My goal is to have the house in order, dinner prepped, and my daily cleaning chores finished by 1pm so that hour is mine to devote to my projects.January - GarageFebruary - Laundry RoomMarch - 1/2 bathApril - PantryMay - KitchenJune - Family RoomJuly - Dining RoomAugust - OfficeSeptember - MasterOctober - Girl's RoomNovember - Boy's RoomDecember - ENJOY!!!So here we are in May and the reality is I am STILL working to finish the laundry room. I went ahead and cheated as I started working on the 1/2 bath and pantry (1/2 is pretty much finished).
I am super excited about the skirt I made for the ugly laundry room sink....
I am NOT a seamstress by any means!!! But I can sort of sew a straight line, and I found THIS tutorial on Pinterest.
I am hoping to get the light fixture installed this week along with the crown molding (YES you need crown molding in your laundry room!!!).Happy Monday everyone!