
Don't you LOVE this time of year? I sure do! Although I have to admit I miss my Tennessee fall where I grew up, but every once in awhile we get a cool morning and I close my eyes and pictures those beautiful fall trees in Memphis this time of year, and it makes me feel better.This year we decided to forget the annoying pumpkin carving kits (so not kid friendly), and go with just decorating the outside.Sadie wanted a Ninja Turtle. I took a sharpie and outlined it, and then she used craft paint to color it in.Mia wanted to do everything herself. She drew a face with a sharpie, and she made happy spiders with red craft paint all over. She used a sharpie for their faces.Wit of course didn't care so the girls and I decided to hot glue googly eyes all over his pumpkin.Here they are!pumpkins


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