September here and gone...
How is it OCTOBER 1st!?!?!?!I am still stuck in August back to school mode! But alas another month has flown by, and I find myself rocking Wit to sleep at night wishing I could stop time. There were so many blessing and wonderful moments in September.Here are some highlights according to my iphone....We love our little school. Mia received the Fruit of the Spirit Award for LOVE.
Thank you uncle Chris for the shark swim set. My crazy Sadie loves it!
Surprise lunches with my big girl at school.
Drew's banjo is officially Wit's favorite toy.
"Hey mom what are these crazy girls doing in my bed?"
Barbies and sharks.
The obsession continues from one generation (Drew) to the next! You will notice their TMNT t shirts in almost all the September pictures because they refuse to take them off.
Grandparents Day!
Learning how to crawl, pull up, and take a few steps all in 30 days! He NEVER stops!!! I am convinced he hates to sleep for fear he will miss a party!
Best buds!
Mia was the Native American in her 1st Grade Johnny Apple Seed play. So cute these kids!
Taking our babies for a walk.Not everything about September was roses and sunshine.Our allergy and eczema battle with Mr. Wit continues. He had a reaction to peas of all things, but apparently they are in the bean family and he had a reaction to soy beans...soooo no peas for this little guy or soy or milk. The list grows longer. I am forcing myself to stay positive though. Miracles can happen, and he could be the miracle that out grows all these severe allergies. And let me just say don't take your little one's beautiful skin for granted. Dealing severe eczema is not fun (for mom or baby)! We are seeing a pediatric dermatologist soon, and I hope to have some solutions other than topical steroids. I only post pictures I take of him on the good days, but lately his ankles have not had many good days :( They itch him so badly, and I try to keep them covered so he can't scratch, but the other day he pulled his socks off in the car and scratched so hard they started bleeding. Poor baby. I want to cry every time he has a flare up.Still on into October we roll....allergies, eczema, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and all!